Dr. Chen Yugui

President, CAPA

The Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) comprises professional accountancy organisations from 23 countries, that in turn represent a membership of over 2 million accountants, nearly two-thirds of all accountants that are members of such organisations worldwide.

The CAPA Conference is a legacy that marks the birth of CAPA as a regional accountancy organisation, and this 20th instalment is a milestone in our 64 years of history. We are delighted to partner with our valued member, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka), and stage a hybrid event which encompasses both a CAPA Conference and CA Sri Lanka’s flagship annual National Conference. In the words attributed to the philosopher Aristotle, we are working on the basis that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of the parts’.

This conference, themed ‘Heritage – Many businesses, One planet’, seeks to take a holistic perspective on how the accountancy profession can play its part today, for a better future. This is especially pertinent and relevant, now more than ever, against a pandemic backdrop, and a volatile and rapidly changing environment.

Moving away from the purely traditional focus areas of the accountancy profession to encompass the changes affecting our business and environmental landscapes, the conference will explore contemporary conversations, opportunities and challenges presented by our times.

Recognising that Asia Pacific includes some of the most dynamic and fastest changing economies, the stage is set for extensive deliberations on what the accountancy profession can and must do, what reforms must take place, and how we can rebuild trust, embrace ethics and good governance, as well as harness the positives of technology, to forge a sustainable future and leave a heritage we can be proud of.

We therefore invite and extend a warm welcome to delegates, both from abroad and from Sri Lanka, to the 20th CAPA Conference and the 42nd National Conference of CA Sri Lanka.

We also take the opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to our host, CA Sri Lanka, for their immense effort to stage this world-class event. An invaluable member of CAPA since 1960, CA Sri Lanka has been an incredible partner on this journey.

Mr. Heshana Kuruppu

Heshana Kuruppu

President, CA Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is at a decisive stage today and needs steadfast support and commitment from all stakeholders in its march towards economic stability. As responsible professionals in both private and public sectors, we must continue to hold focus on good governance, transparency, accountability and ethical conduct.

Being held for the 45th year this time, the National Conference of Chartered Accountants promises to be a crucial platform that will bring participants from many sectors to actively engage in discussions that will play a catalytic role in the country’s economic progress.

Our flagship event, the National Conference, has since its inception played a critical role in strengthening the country’s financial landscape, through relevant thought leadership to the business community and policymakers. This is due to the responsibility we bear to not only ensure we have a world-class accounting framework in line with international standards but also, as the National Body of Accountants, to bring crucial stakeholders to a single platform to promote and enable collaboration and dialogue on our journey towards a future ready, resilient country.

The National Conference of Chartered Accountants, themed Marching Beyond Margins this year, promises to bring forth valuable knowledge sharing and thought-provoking discussions. The undisputed leader of business summits in Sri Lanka, it has been, and continues to be, a fertile ground for enhanced knowledge, renewed focus, innovative solutions and networking – not only for those in the accounting profession but for the business community at large. The 2024 National Conference will be the ideal opportunity for you to not only participate and contribute to meaningful dialogue, but also be a part of a historical event, as we focus on rebuilding our national economy.

I look forward to welcoming you all in October at the Monarch Imperial.